gWorks Blog

Common Questions: Physical Asset Management

Written by gworks | Sep 9, 2020 2:57:49 PM

Are you interested in SimpleCity Physical Asset Management (PAM) but have questions? We have provided a list of commonly asked questions and answers below. If one of your questions is not shown here, please connect with one of our experts and we will get you the answers you need.

1. Can I access SimpleCity PAM in the field?

Yes, through mobile browsers and Simple Assets Mobile (on network and off). This mobile app can be used in conjunction with our SimpleCity Physical Asset Management software. SimpleAssets will streamline field data collection, Activity Management tracking, and access to data while in the field in one easy-to-use mobile app. SimpleAssets is designed to assist field staff by quickly, easily, and efficiently viewing and tracking daily maintenance activities from a tablet or smartphone.

2. Do we have to perform data collection for SimpleCity PAM software to work?

No, however PAM provides much higher value with a robust asset library. Knowing exactly where your infrastructure assets are and what condition they are in is critical for managing operations, risk, planning, budgeting, citizen relations, and data-driven decision making.  Acquiring this data can be challenging – you need the proper equipment, software, know-how, and most importantly, the time. We at gWorks are experts in data collection. We can collect data and GPS coordinates for you, saving you precious time, in order to provide you with usable asset data at implementation. To learn more click here.

3. We already have a GIS map. What do we need SimpleCity PAM for?

GIS is only one component of Physical Asset Management. Benefits such as scheduling and recording work, tracking costs, reporting, and multimedia management are just a few of the additional benefits that make SimpleCity PAM more valuable than a standalone GIS. PAM will help your city mitigate risk, improve preventative maintenance, decision making, and awareness. To learn more click here.

4. Does SimpleCity Physical Asset Management track projects?

Yes, you can track projects from planning stages to completion within the Activity Management tool of SimpleCity PAM. You can track all the activities associated with a project. This includes activity type, assignment, and status. You can generate project cost reports to monitor labor, equipment, material, and miscellaneous costs associated with a project. You can also view the project history for a full overview of a project's information and actions.


Still have additional Questions?

Contact one of our SimpleCity PAM experts today.